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Breaking: PTAD to Remove 51,705 Fake Civil Service Pensioners from Payroll

The Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate (PTAD) has unveiled plans to expunge 51,705 fraudulent pensioners from the payroll, effective April 1.

This revelation comes as PTAD intensifies efforts to ensure the integrity and efficiency of pension payments across various sectors.

The identified fake pensioners, totaling 51,705, were flagged for their failure to engage with the “I Am Alive” confirmation platform, a crucial step in verifying the authenticity of pensioners.

Of this figure, a staggering 43,010 individuals were found within the Civil Service sector, with additional cases detected among Police, Customs, Immigration, and Prisons departments.

PTAD’s proactive measures stem from its commitment to curbing pension fraud and streamlining the system, thereby safeguarding pension funds and enhancing the welfare of genuine retirees.

With a mandate to oversee the transition from the Defined Benefit Scheme (DBS) to the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS), PTAD has made significant strides in purging ghost beneficiaries and ensuring that only deserving pensioners receive their rightful benefits.

The Directorate, which initially inherited 268,897 pensioners, has undertaken rigorous verification processes, resulting in a reduction to 226,693 pensioners by December 2022.

This comprehensive review has not only eliminated ghost pensioners but also facilitated the inclusion of eligible retirees who were previously excluded from the payroll.

Despite PTAD’s commendable efforts, stakeholders have raised concerns over the Federal Government’s proposal to scrap the Directorate and revert its functions to the Ministry of Finance.

Critics argue that such a move could jeopardize the progress made in pension administration and undermine the welfare of retirees.

In response to these concerns, pensioners and advocacy groups have rallied behind PTAD, highlighting its pivotal role in addressing the longstanding challenges faced by retirees.

They emphasize the need to preserve PTAD as an independent entity dedicated to pension matters, citing its track record of transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to pensioners’ needs.

As PTAD proceeds with its crackdown on fake pensioners, genuine retirees are urged to promptly verify their status through the “I Am Alive” confirmation platform to avoid disruptions in their pension payments.

PTAD remains steadfast in its mission to uphold the rights of pensioners and ensure the efficient management of pension funds for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Timeless Update Reporter

Timeless Update Reporter

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